Well, in that case, it's a culture worth discriminating against.
After living in Paris, this could only bring a smile to my face.
Breaking news! Britain starts doing what the other Germanic countries have been doing for decades.
I, for one, would like to welcome poor, backward, miserable, right-wing Britain into the 1980s.
I could have sworn I knew the theme at the end of the Rick and Morty episode "Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind." You know, the one where Evil Morty makes his first appearance.
Credited as Blonde Readhead but, I'm telling you, they ripped off Chopin.
björn k. ‘bjarndýr, sérstök rándýrategund (ursus) ... Hið forna ie. bjarnarheiti (sbr. lat. ursus, gr. árktos, fi. ŕ̥kṣa-h) sýnist hafa týnst í germ., e.t.v. vegna bannhelgi, og nýyrðið beran- ‘hinn brúni’ tekið upp í staðinn. Svipað hefur gerst í slavn., sbr. rússn. medvedb ‘björn’, eiginl. ‘hunangsæta’.
Svo málum er þannig háttað að Dmitri Medvedev, forsætisráðherra Rússlands, er að hluta til nafni minn.
Oh, the hypocrisy... Over 80% of Sweden's modernist architects choose to live in houses built before 1920. A spectacular case of not eating one's own dog food.
As the article puts it:
Modernism är något man gör mot andra och man kan absolut inte bo i den stilen själv.
Rough translation: "Modernism is something one does to other people. One definitely cannot live in [housing of] that style oneself."